
Monday, March 21, 2011

Money Saving Monday- yogurt

   I have missed blogging. The lack of sleep from a sick baby last week and today feeling not so great is making me feeling a little loopy. With that being said, let's stick to something more bullet-point, yet something I am very passionate about and have been eager to write more about. 

Remember my post about that sweet Proverbs 31 lady

I am so excited to share some money saving/ healthy idea tips with you! Here is one for the day-

    Perhaps you know that I spent a few years working at the fastest growing and most popular Organic Yogurt Company in the US. Based right out of my hometown Londonderry, NH! With that being said, I love me some yo-git. I also like not paying $3 something for it... So I have recently started making it myself. 
   I know, I know. Wow, that is amazing! I work so hard. I am like super-mom.
Actually NO!
(Psss... it so so insanely super easy
you might actually feel silly for 
not making it yourself before now.
I did...err... I do. )
   So now that we got the ego part out of the way... Please, consider doing it yourself and have FULL CONFIDENCE knowing that it is just plain silly how easy it is and I wish I took up my friends advise last summer and started doing it back then.

Alright already- this is my latest success recipe I tried. I'll share my fun adventure of what my first batch turned into... still usable, but uh, let's follow the directions hey and make actual yogurt and not a form of ricotta cheese?
Crock pot!
1/2 gallon of milk
Spending time together on low for about 2 1/2 hours
Unplug it and let is chillax with the cover on for 3 hours
Whisk a half cup of yogurt (home made or store bought) for starter cultures
Snuggle the whole thang up with a blanket and let it sit out for 8-12 hours
Scoop it out into storage containers and refrid it up for about 8 hours

Eat it up with fresh fruit, jams, etc. YUMMM

WOW that was easy. And CHEAP!

So what do I do with my plain yogurt??
- Add it to my daily oatmeal breaky with some homemade jam/ fresh fruit. 
- Sub it for butter/ milk with boxed mac & cheese. It gives it a great creamy texture and is now little Nathan's fav way to eat boxed mac.
- Eat it straight up with jam. This is little Abi's fav snack.

Go ahead. Try it!
I may have gotten this recipe from right here

If you combine the yogurt with the cold milk right away by accident... you may come out with something different. And then decide to use your oh-so-not-so-fancy yogurt maker thingy (ah-hem, cheese cloth) and get a bunch of whey from it that you then use as a liquid sub for baking and use the hefty yogurty thickness as ricotta cheese. Because it is freakishly similar. You may also want to repeat this mistake in the future because it was rather fun and actually tastefully useful.

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