
Friday, March 25, 2011

I'm Watching You

Don't worry.
You are not the one being watched.
I am.
And Craig is too.
By a 4 year old boy.
And a 1 year old girl.
I am not a night person. 
With that being said, while I was pregnant with Abigail, I told Craig in advance that  he would be doing the bedtime routine for our children.
Little did he know (insert Stranger Than Fiction movie here) that when Abigail was just 7 months old a sweet little just-turned-4-years-old boy would be coming to live with us for a while.
They got in the routine of reading a book, likely to be a Dr. Suess, and a story from Nathan's Children's Bible, then praying together. They each pray. Out loud. So precious!

Pause right here.
Can we talk about this Bible? It was a gift to Nathan from our friends the Dahlfred's and we are kind of in love with it. So much so that we bought a bunch as a gift to a church to be given to kids who don't have a Bible at home.
LOVE LOVE LOVE this Children's Bible
Uncle Rob came all the way from Zimbabwe to spend Christmas 2010 with us.

So I often find Nathan on the couch or floor flipping through his Bible. He is "spending time with Jesus." I will hear his sweet four year old voice "reading" His Bible.

"God is unchanging... His forever, never ending love... He rescues us..."
These are the most precious visions of Christ sweetly instilled in this boys heart.
He gets it. 
He hears the Word. Stores it up in his sweet little heart. Spills it out of his own mouth. 
And I pray that as he grows into the man God has created him to be, that he will continue to store up the Truths of the Gospel in his heart. 
So that he might one day believe them. 
And share it with others.

Craig and I are on a mission. 
In our hearts first, then our home. To know and believe the Gospel. To live it out in our home. To raise our dearly loved children to know the Gospel. To share it with the rest of the world.

Would you pray for us? 
Pray that God will grow our hearts more like His. Pray for the 2 little children growing in our care. Pray for our future children, who have yet to be born and those who are already out there around the world.

Grace and Peace to you.

1 comment:

  1. praying for you guys, and am blessed to read your words, as we seek to live the same mission!
