
Friday, February 18, 2011

Proverbs 31 Woman

    Let me first start out by sharing with you that I have poured over Proverbs 31 more than any other passage of scripture. From the time I was a small child, one of the youngest activists at a Pro-Life rally, verse 9 has resonated in my being- “Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.” I always shout it in my head with exclamation points as I have taken hold of his scripture for how I will live my life!
    So often we hear of a popular part of scripture and just read that part. I like to read what is said around that, which isn’t enclosed in the “Must Read!” section. This verse is interestingly placed just before the Wife of Noble Character subtitle in my Bible. I include it in my reading and find so much in the following verses that are examples of this command of how to treat the poor and destitute; from how this woman treats her servant girls to how she provides for her family to ensure that they will be fed and clothed.
    All throughout this section in my Bible, I have underlined and emphasized key words that are examples of how I should not only live, but what should be ingrained in my character. You can’t simply look at my life and see that I am thrifty, provide healthy foods for my family and conserve not only for this beautiful earth God has given us to live on and being mindful to make the most of every dollar and hour the Lord has blessed me with. Everything must be intentional. I don’t wake up every day thinking, “I must find the cheapest and easiest way to do my things.” Rather I pray, “Lord equip me to use all you have blessed me with to be a blessing to you and those around me.” I believe with all of my heart that God calls each and every one of us to use our moments in the day and the money (no matter how much or how little) to praise God, to bless others, and to be spent so very wisely and intentionally.
    Throughout this scripture I have pulled words and phrases to come to my mind throughout the day as a way of accountability and reminders of why I am doing what I am doing, or most importantly, most every day- what I need to be doing and why; not just to be done, but to be done with the right heart.
    These are some of those phrases and words that have been the motivation for my way of life. Vs. 13 “works with eager hands” vs. 15 “provides food for her family” vs. 17 “works vigorously… arms are strong” vs. 20 “opens her arms… extends her hands” vs. 21 “has no fear” vs. 22 & 24 “makes…” vs. 25 “strength and dignity… she can laugh” vs. 26 “speaks with wisdom… faithful instruction on her tongue” vs. 27 “does not… idle” vs. 28&29 “her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: ‘Many women do noble things but you surpass them all.’” vs. 30 “a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised”
    These are my reasons for living my life the way I choose to. This woman whom I have never met is my role model, my mentor, on how to live of “Noble Character.”

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