
Saturday, April 27, 2013

A new concept

So, there is this concept.

I'm not saying he came up with it, but he introduced me to it.

Sweet friends from Zimbabwe- Rob and Lisa Chifokoyo with Dare2Serve
We shared our blessings and struggles with our Zimbabwean friends last night, fellow workers in Christ. Fellow support raisers. I have been chewing on this idea that Craig (my husband) brought up-

What if we as a community of Believers stepped out in faith and gathered as groups of 10 people/ families to {FULLY} support ONE WHOLE missionary family? 

It is do-able.

We believe in tithing, the giving 10% of our income back to our home church. For some, this is a great sacrifice, but for others it doesn't even make a dent. And for many, if we are being really honest and our hearts are right there in tune with the Lord's, we could afford (a rather relative word) to give an extra 10%.

It may not come easy, or natural. Sacrifices may need to be made. Cutting budgets on shopping and eating out, meal planning, driving used cars, opting out of your cable bill, going without the latest and greatest, simplifying your vacation plans, downsizing. Great effort is often made in order to achieve a big goal.

Let's be honest, we sure make sacrifices when it comes to something we want or something that benefits us.

I'm not going to lie, when friends we would consider close, flat out say they can't afford to support our ministry, yet facebook keeps us up to date on their travels, vacations, every event and restaurant they "check in" to, it does hurt. Can we- support raising missionaries- be honest like that without publicly naming someone? We aren't the only ones who face these kinds of hurts from friends.

We are called a Body of Believer's, 
and we are called to BE a Body of Believer's. 
Working as one unit. 

When a friend (in ministry) tells me how Dave Ramsey she is and has cut her clothes budget down to $100 a month, yet months later when approached won't even meet with us because they can't "afford" to right now. That is not the Body.

We met with a Christ-follower and ask him to pray about how he might partner with us in ministry, he followed up later saying that he looked over his finances, prayed and determined that right now, they are supporting so many missionaries and ministries that they are unable to fund us because he feels it won't honor God as he needs to provide for his own family. That IS the Body. He went on to say that he will faithfully partner with us in ministry through praying every Saturday morning.

I want to shout it out- THAT IS THE BODY! 
He is wisely using his time to carve out moments to pray for us. That is support and community.

The topic of finances and how others spend their money is very private and rude to discuss. I'm sure some stopped reading this post by now. 

Our finances run through our heart, that's why I'm talking about it. 

Aside from our family support raising right now, it has always been a concern of mine. Money issues are heart issues. Trusting God, being wise stewards, but ultimately it comes down to this- The Lord can take it all away or pour it out before us because it is HIS anyhow. All of it. Our Father own's cattle on a thousand hills, and He is faithful to care for His children. My hope is in Him alone, not man. Let's not stand in His way of blessing out.

1 comment:

  1. ”I am afraid the only safe rule is to give more than we can spare…If our charities do not at all pinch or hamper us,… they are too small. There ought to be things we should like to do and cannot do because our charitable expenditures excludes them.” -C.S. Lewis
    Love this blog post Karissa, I cannot agree more! of course i might be a little bit bias! -ash
