
Friday, April 19, 2013

There is hope.

In the midst of the Boston Marathon bombings this week, so close to home, we feel it.
The urgency.
Our plea of  "Lord, when will you return" is quickly engulfed knowing full well that not all have heard. Christ cannot return until everyone has heard His soul-saving Gospel.

New England needs Jesus. 
Many right here have never met Him.

Just today I was singing along with some praise music when our 3 year old gasped, "Jesus cries!?" What she was actually hearing was "Jesus Christ" The truth is, precious one, yes Jesus does cry.

He cries for our brokenness. When we weep and our hearts are troubled, He hears and sees it all. In Him alone can we find our strength. It is during those broken seasons that if we put our trust in Christ, He will carry us through.

Not all have this hope that is only found in Jesus.

We are a dying nation. Literally, I am living in a region that is less than 2% evangelical (translated to regular church going/ Bible reading) which is what overseas missions considers an "Unreached People Group"

An Unreached People Group "a nation without enough Christians to evangelize the rest of the nation." New England is just that. Churches are being converted into condominiums and a ten year old boy once asked me what "Church" was. 

What are you sacrificing in your life so that the 
Gospel might be shared?

Growing up my Dad shared his believe that if you weren't actively serving as a missionary, you best be funding one. My heart has been under some major conviction over the past year as to what being a "missionary" means and what that looks like when God has called you to serve in your home state. (The last place on earth you would have expected) 

How does my day-to-day interactions with neighbors, people at the store and raising my family/ hosting in my home look different than anyone else? Is there a difference from my lifestyle than someone who isn't follow Christ?

I have expectations of missionaries and those in ministry and I strive for those same standards myself.

Without Jesus we have no hope in this life or after we die. 

Craig and I, we are crazy passionate about the people of New England coming to know Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. For our fellow man to know the comfort of His love, the power of His Spirit and hope in this life and after death.

We have felt called to serve in this region and are raising our support to transition into full-time ministry. With Craig working a full-time job and being a loving and supportive husband and father, we are stepping out in faith to go where God has called us- to live and serve among the people group we know best- our native New England region. God calls us all to share the Gospel, but not all will go into full time vocational ministry.

What are you sacrificing now for the sake of the Gospel? 

How are you supporting local missionaries like Craig and myself so that we might be vessels to advance the Gospel, sharing the hope found in Christ here in New England?

The harsh reality is this- while many will nod and agree with all that is said, a very slim few and perhaps least expected will actually move and act to make a difference, to sacrifice their time, money and resources to see missionaries answer the call and serve as missionaries right here in the US.

To learn how you can partner with us in ministry please visit or our Support Raising site.
Please precede with prayer.

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