
Friday, July 8, 2011

Then There Was One

Update on our little family life for you:
As of a few weeks ago sweet Nathan went back to his Mom full time. They are only 20 mins a way and he has become part of our family, so it isn't the end. Just a new chapter.

It has been an adjustment for us going from saying "our kids", or when people ask if Nathan will be coming with us somewhere, etc. It's been hard on little Abigail too. She doesn't get why her big brother isn't around, or why he isn't in their room when she wakes up.

Honestly, my heart feels like a piece is missing. Don't get me wrong, I am SO glad that his Mom is doing well enough to have him back and we have been sooo busy these past few weeks it's been a good distraction. But right now, this very moment, when my 12 month old nephew slept over and I've been caring for 2 babes today, it just seems right.

People ask us a lot if we plan on having more kids, etc. We would LOVE to have a big blended family! Our heart beat is for foster/adoption. We are just trying to figure out that balance with having a 15 month old daughter, being young and virtually no savings account, student loans to be paid off and living in a tiny 2 bedroom apartment. Don't get me wrong- these are not reasons to NOT foster or adopt right now, we just want to be patient and wise, waiting on our Lord's timing. We don't know if or when we will have more bio/ adoptive/ foster kids, but we have been preparing our hearts since before we married for this calling on our life.

Our "last weekend" with Nathan being in our home, we took care of my sister's 3 kids... 5 kids for 4 days! It was incredible! Incredibly fun, silly, loud, stinky, messy, whiny, dirty, outdoorsy, hard, exhausting, I could go on. But we loved it. Both of us. Craig AND I. God just wired us that way. And then He put us together. XOXO
Here is my fav pic from that Father's Day weekend.
 Did I mention that there was 5 kids all under 5? Ages: 5, 4 1/2, 4, 15 months, 12 months.

* As a side note- I started REDEMPTION soap 3 months ago as a way to support our friends mission work in Zimbabwe, Africa- working with the orphans, widows, prostitutes and other "forgotten" people. I also did it as a way to bring in some money to help pay off my husbands student loans ASAP then use it to help fund raise for our own overseas adoption. Go check out the website, Like it on facebook and follow it on Twitter. Spread the word, share the mission, join us in our journey. I mean, everybody does laundry? (REDEMPTION soap is an all-natural laundry powder on a mission)


  1. I think it might be an unhealthy obsession of mine to sit here on the couch crying while mingling through profiles of foster to adopt kids. one day...

  2. Ugh, me too. Ever since Abigail was born, I knew that God especially designed her to be a sister to kids needing extra love. Her nature is so nurturing and motherly. I am eager to bring her siblings home... I plead with Craig regularly over foster kid profiles. Yes, one day... one day...
