
Monday, July 11, 2011

Worship & Prayer

There is a church in the area that we (Cwtrials) have had the honor of being invited to 3 youth events over the past few months. The first event, Craig was asked to be on a discussion panel for the youth to ask questions on how he hears from God. The second event, we set up the whole Cwtrials demo set, did a lil show and shared the Gospel. The most recent event, Craig was invited to be a guest speaker at their weekend youth retreat. My husband. Preaching. In front of about 100 youth + leaders. (My husband!)

Aside from this church blessing us with these opportunities, their youth lead some amazing worship. Seriously, being in the presence of young people worshiping our Lord puts me in awe of our God. Our house is pretty quiet from outside noise. We don't typically have music or a tv going and whenever I want to worship God I desire some praise music! So this is what I'm working on. To keep the Spirit moving in my heart all throughout the day, filling moments of my day with some songs about our Lord. Because He is SOO good. (A current fav station on Pandora is Jeremy Riddle)

I remember seeing these guys do cool stuff at youth events, speak, etc. and I always wondered what their wife might be like. Where is she? Do they have kids? I'm a little bit relational, can you tell? It has been a priority to me to be at as many events (with Abigail) as I possibly can (every one of them so far!) I want to support my husband. I want to share in the joy of hearing his gift of speaking and talent in riding. I want to be a support to the men and women, young and old who are there. I want to represent Christ.

So let's just get real for a minute. Our associate Pastor spoke on Spiritual Warfare yesterday. This could not have come at a better time. We are experiencing a battle of this in our home, our hearts and family. AMAZING things are happening. Only God can receive credit for the beauty before us of changed hearts. And at the same time, only Satan can get credit for some of the crap in our lives.

Would you pray for us? As a family (not just me + Craig + Abigail, but our siblings and parents, etc.) some pretty serious things are going down. Some things seem like they will never get better, others bring tears to our eyes at the miracle we are witnessing. Maybe shoot us an e-mail of encouragement We are preparing for some pretty big things (Cwtrials- will be at Soul Fest, reaching over 10,000 people. Family- we are praying about taking the foster parenting class) and we NEED, we PLEAD with you for your support and prayers.

Check out for more information on the mission of our ministry and to learn how you can pray and support us.

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