
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thanksgiving Toddler Fun

Being super pregnant these days, trying to entertain a toddler while resting aching bones carrying a baby almost-ready to emerge... this is what we came up with today. 
Lots of creative and interactive play (with some intentional home-educating mixed in) that allowed her to feel accomplished while Momma was able to stay OFF her feet. 

Last week I was anxious for relief of my body to give birth (the irony)
This week I am clinging to these last moments of it being a parent to just one.

A toddler. Eager to work with her hands. A brain that doesn't stop with a mouth that constantly spills its contents. Little hands that rub my swollen belly and gently remind me "Bump is going to be born soon."

S-A-V-O-R these moments. 
These fleeting days when I get to rub her back to sleep during naptime. 
No interruptions. 

Momma + Daughter turkey's

Cleaver kid decided to decorate the back as well.
 The day will be here soon when I can lift her up again, roll around on the floor, go for walks without pain. 
And best of all- horseplay. 

BEST of all {by and by} soon I will watch my little girl grow into a big sister. 
A little mother, as she has been so excitedly practicing. 

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