
Monday, August 6, 2012

Operation: Rescue the Baby Birds!

Our toddler's favorite show these days is Wonder Pets. She was pretty thrilled when we had the chance to scoop up these tiny birds and rescue them.

My mom stumbled upon them in her garden. 
3 baby birds.
With two swooping Robin birds, one with a worm in its mouth, along with a few Blue Jay's, we weren't sure who they belonged to or why they were on the ground. 

A phone call to our local Animal Rescue and another to the Bird Sanctuary where they eventually went told us that they were in fact Robin birds and the Blue Jay's were harassing the parents until they won the fight. It was loud and sad to hear this battle over the baby birds. We took them inside, let them calm down a bit, fed them some blueberry guts with tweezers and then brought them to a bird respite house that would rehab them and bring them to the bird sanctuary. 

I have to tell you, being a Mom and seeing those Robin birds fighting for their babes left me sleepless that night. A few hours of nurturing and bonding with these babies made my heart-sick for them all the next day.

It was such a great experience for Abigail and a sweet little surprise for the whole family as we all became part of Operation: Rescue the Baby Birds!

My oldest nephew Brandon and I feeding the birds mashed blueberries

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