
Friday, April 22, 2011

I'm Not Very Religious

   "I'm not very religious..." I told someone today.
   They asked if I was heading to Church (it being about 2:45pm...) I chuckled at this and asked why they thought that. They said something about it being Good Friday and me being religious.
   I had to tell them... I'm not very religious.
   I went on to say that I would like to be more religious, sometimes, but I'm not.
   Don't get me wrong- this is not an anti-organized religion statement cause I love me my Jesus lovin groupies (and I believe we are called to gather together in fellowship, edifying and learning) I looove community. Faith community, oh yes please!

   ...but I'm not religious. I admire ritual, dedication and tradition. I appreciate SO MUCH the history behind (most) of it. I respect the dedication that one has to their religious practice (regardless of their religion). 

Can we just get one thing clear- I have a deep, passionate, ever-growing relationship with my Lord and Savior. This is the day that many Believers honor Him, with their prayer, fasting, fellowshiping, reading the Word and church-going. I love that so many people are affected by the remembrance of what Jesus Christ did on the Cross. 
Thank you. 
Thank you for the Cross.
Tonight, I wanted to be religious.
   I told my husband this as we drove to our celebratory (more on this next week) dinner and passed a church. 
   7pm I was there. Being religious. I wasn't sure what that meant. I mean I go to a Southern Baptist Church y'all! (and was raised in a Presbyterian one) 
   There was lots of sitting and standing and candle lighting and candle extinguishing and hymnal book page flipping and me singing waaay off key and people bowing before and after scripture reading and me awkwardly reading the call and response too fast or too slow. 
   Like I said, I'm not very religious. And I just happened to go to attend a very traditional church this evening. 
   I was a bit distracted by myself (and the millions of questions I had like why 7 candles? Why bowing? What is a Christ candle? What is that man called- Priest, Father, Bishop, Reverend, Pastor... Sir? What does this mean and what does that mean? What time is it? Wow I'm glad I don't know the people in front of me because I sound like a teenage boy singing!) You get the picture... I felt tired afterwards. I felt like I was trying to keep up the whole time. Everyone knew what they were doing, except for me. I looked like a random person who had never been to church before and not a fellow sinner saved by Grace. 
   Phew. I am tired. 
   I do love ritual and respect it immensely. 
Is okay if you call yourself religious and I tell you that it just isn't how I relate to God? Will you still consider me your sister in Christ?

   I savored my bedtime Bible reading with my husband last night as he read to me The Last Supper out of Luke 22. 
   I am blessed to have a Pastor who led us in reading Luke 23 this past Sunday. 
   I look forward to spending time with Jesus each morning, reading His word, praying and journaling about His blessings. I love leaning on Him throughout my day and finding ways to Glorify Him. 

I am so glad that He sees my heart and that I seek after His. 
I'm not very religious.
But boy do I love Jesus.

1 comment:

  1. I had to read this, because I am also "accused" of being very "religious"... to which I quickly retort, "No i'm definitely not" Its interesting how 'outsiders' view us as religious... and yet, we feel we are so far from that. I agree that sometimes I wish I did feel "religious"... at least then i'd feel like I would be holding myself more accountable. Yay loving Jesus... yay for our faith standing out enough to lead people to ask us about our faith... and yay for those questions challenging us to be even more, "religious"
